MEET our T3 August ATHLETE of the MONTH, Sarah Adelson!

 Coach Amy says: I have been teaching and coaching teenagers for over 20 years so I jumped at the chance to coach Sarah for her first Ironman. I am so glad I did because this young lady works so hard and is a complete ray of sunshine while she is doing it. I can’t tell you how many times in the last few months and especially since Sunday I have said, can you imagine being a freshman in college in the middle of a pandemic and training for Ironman Lake Placid?! The work never seemed to phase Sarah and she was always willing to learn more. This is so well deserved after Sarah and her dad Brian brought so many smiles to peoples faces on Sunday at Ironman Lake Placid.

Her father, Brian says: From an early age, we have known that when Sarah sets her sights on a goal, nothing will stand in her way. At the age of five, she decided that she would do an Ironman when she was 18. This did not happen due to Covid, she finished it this year at the age of 19, and was the youngest female in the race. Crossing the finish line on Sunday night was a highlight of my life. Being there for the culmination of two years of training and anxiety over what race day would bring was truly inspiring. Sarah embodied the Ironman spirit showing grit and grace throughout the day. She had a big smile even though in pain, she thanked every volunteer and encouraged athletes along the course. She truly enjoyed the experience and I could not have been more proud. While Sarah hit this amazing milestone, she could not have done it without Coach Kevin, Coach Amy and the entire T3 community. Thank you for supporting Sarah throughout the day…She is an Ironman!

Q:  What is your name and where do you live?

A:   My name is Sarah Adelson. I live in Wilton NY.

Q:  What is your age?

A:   I am 19 years old.

Q:  What is your occupation?

A:   I am a college student; I just finished my freshman year at Binghamton University. I am majoring in biology and am planning to pursue a career in the field of exercise science.

Q:  When did you start participating in triathlons? What motivated you to participate?

A:   I grew up around the sport of triathlon and participated in some youth programs when I was in elementary school. I just began participating in triathlons again in 2019, I did an Olympic distance that summer.

Q:  How long have you been coached by T3 Coaching?

A:   Amy Farrell has been my coach since March of this year.

Q:  What is your favorite race, and why?

A:   My favorite race is Ironman. I have grown up watching this race and the energy that comes from just stepping into Ironman village is so inspiring. When I go to an Ironman event, I am reminded that anything is possible. That’s why I had my sights set on that race since a very young age.

Q:  What is your favorite piece of triathlon equipment?

A:   My running sneakers are my favorite piece of triathlon equipment (I just switched to Hokas … highly recommend). The run is my favorite event, I love putting those shoes on after getting off the bike, might be my favorite part of the day.

Q:  What are some of your career highlights as an athlete (not necessarily triathlon)?

A:   I was a very average athlete in high school and participated in a few different sports before focusing on triathlons, so I would say finishing Ironman Lake Placid as the youngest female athlete is my career highlight. I would also consider being T3’s August 2021 athlete of the month a career highlight.

Q:  What are your triathlon goals for this season?

A:   I am planning to focus on strength training to get faster on the bike. I am also going to participate in some smaller triathlons in the next year and am planning to train for a marathon next summer.

Q:  What is your long-term goal in the sport of mtn. biking/triathlon?

A:   I want to continue participating in triathlons and I plan to do another full Ironman after I graduate college. I love the triathlon lifestyle and my goal is to continue participating in races, having fun, and encouraging others to do the same.

Q:  What are 3 foods someone would always find in your refrigerator/cupboards?

A:   Oatmeal, pickles, and apples.

Q:  What kind of music could we find on your iPod?

A:   Wait what’s an iPod?... just kidding. I have a very eclectic music taste; you’ll find anything from country to pop to rap to classical music on my playlists.

Q:  What advice would you give to a 'newbie' in the sport?

A:   Even if you think something seems crazy or impossible because you’re just starting out, know that you can do anything if you set your mind to it. You can reach the big goals you set if you stay positive, work hard, and listen to your coach. The coaches will tell you to wave to everyone you see when you’re out training and bring kindness to the sport, do that, and then bring that to your race. Cheering on other athletes, thanking volunteers, and keeping a smile on your face keeps the sport fun for you and everyone else.

Q:  Do you have any secret training tips? (Not really secret if you share, huh?)

A:   For long workouts that we might not always want to do, my Dad and I would always say we don’t have to do this, we get to do this. Having a positive attitude is everything, if you go into a workout with a negative mindset the workout will not go well. During my Ironman race this year, when things would start to get tough, I kept saying out loud “I’ve got this” and it helped keep me focused on the finish line. Also, shoutout to Coach Amy, sour patch kids always help.

Q:  Please list your favorite workout:

A:   I really enjoy interval training whether it’s in the water, on the bike, or on the run. I find it to be a very efficient and effective type of exercise.

Q:  Any thoughts you want to share?

A:   I want to thank Coach Amy, Coach Crossman, and the entire T3 community for all the support they gave me to help me reach Ironman finish line. I also want to thank the T3 athletes at Ironman Lake Placid that helped calm me down in the shuttle line when I freaked out a little race day morning (Heidi, Mara, and Christian). A final shoutout to all the T3ers that stay late in the T3 tent to get all those late racers to the finish line, I can now say from experience that it really means a lot.

Current Athlete of the Month ::

Christina Ardito

Previous Athlete of the Month's ::

August 2024:  Ella Crossman
July 2024:  Bob Stocks
June 2024:  Sam Boese
May 2024:  Danielle Freebern
November 2023:  Kerri Thomas
October 2023:  Matt Dowling
September 2023:  Nolan Hogan
August 2023:  Gil Silvestre
July 2023:  John Reid
June 2023:  Tyler Lingel
May 2023:  Julia Slyer
April 2023:  Kevin Crossman
March 2023:  Carl Regenauer
February 2023:  Amy Farrell
January 2023:  Tim Russell
December 2022:  Rachel Waller
November 2022:  Bobby Thorborg
October 2022:  Jeremey Frye
September 2022:  Jillian Richards
August 2022:  Rebecca Miller
July 2022:  Jason Hare
June 2022:  Julie Scherer
May 2022:  Martyna Brooks
April 2022:  Derek Demeter
January 2022:  Kaitlyn Hansen
October 2021:  Chris McNally
September 2021:  Jack Putnam
August 2021:  Sarah Adelson
July 2021:  Niki Kellogg
June 2021:  Jack Bordeau
May 2021:  Dean Haspela
April 2021:  Dina StClaire
March 2021:  Jamie Hoyt
January 2021:  Paige Montanye
December 2020:  Lara Vivolo
November 2020:  Erika Eckrote
October 2020:  Heidi Underwood
September 2020:  Tom Williams
July 2020:  Christian Weber
June 2020:  Mara Fronhofer
May 2020:  T3 Medical Professionals
April 2020:  Steve Vnuk
March 2020:  Luis A Castro
February 2020:  John MacDonald
December 2019:  Steciuk Family
November 2019:  Nathan Rieger
October 2019:  Jess Corwin
September 2019:  Amanda Williams
August 2019:  Chris Erwin
July 2019:  Deborah Curtis
June 2019:  Rachel Waller
May 2019:  Ariel Dickson
April 2019:  Jonathan Demers
February 2019:  Laurie Scheuing
January 2019:  Alexandra Besso
December 2018:  Kim Kilby
November 2018:  Jessica Cronin
October 2018:  Kerri Thomas
August 2018:  John Evansky
July 2018:  Lonnie Halusic
June 2018:  Chris McNally
May 2018:  Dan Finnin
April 2018:  Terry Spooner
March 2018:  Ann Crossman
October 2017:  Isabelle Dickens
September 2017:  Ivy Kasallis
August 2017:  Michael Robinson
July 2017:  Chuck Lester
June 2017:  Colleen Dolan-VanZandt
May 2017:  Nick Marcantonio
April 2017:  Ryan Keller
March 2017:  Bobby Thorborg
September 2016:  Vinny Cooper
August 2016:  Jane Mastaitis
July 2016:  Jamie Hoyt
June 2016:  Jeff Halusic
May 2016:  Sibyl Jacobson
July 2014:  Christine McKnight
June 2014:  Sereena Coombes
August 2012:  Kim Didrich
July 2012:  Michael Jordan & Barbara Jordan
June 2012:  Ray Liuzzo
October 2011:  Joe Hall
September 2011:  Carl Regenauer
August 2011:  Timothy Healey
July 2011:  Jason Gardner
June 2011:  David Cann
May 2011:  Fran Vincent
August 2010:  Jim Fox
July 2010:  Mike Jaworski
June 2010:  Carla Burhoe
May 2010:  Christine McKnight
April 2010:  Dean Haspela
September 2009:  Rebecca Pedersen
August 2009:  Michael Winston
July 2009:  Paul Fronhofer
June 2009:  Heidi Underwood
May 2009:  Johan Bosman
April 2009:  Mike Sorrentino
August 2008:  Patrick O'Keeffe
July 2008:  Jason Chlopecki
June 2008:  Mara Fronhofer
May 2008:  Pat Grasso
April 2008:  Tami Olheiser
March 2008:  Michael Robinson
February 2008:  Bob Stocks