MEET our T3 November ATHLETE of the MONTH, Bobby Thorborg!

 Congratulations to Bobby Thorborg on T3's Athlete of the Month. His recent performance at the Ironman World Championships in Kona, Hawaii was spectacular! Having qualified three years ago for this event, it was a long time coming, and he 100% capitalized on his opportunity. Completing the 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, and 26.2 mile run in 9hrs 39mins is astonishing for his first trip to the "Big Island." Achieving this was no easy feat though, and can be attributed to his work ethic, attention to detail (especially fueling) and a top-notch mental game. Coach Kevin says, "I feel Bobby is starting to find his stride within this sport. His potential is endless, and with more experience his results will grow even further. I am excited to be a part of his path, as he is a talented and great individual to work with!"

Q:  What is your name and where do you live?

A:  Bobby Thorborg, Virginia Beach, Virginia

Q:  What is your age?

A:   31

Q:  When did you start participating in triathlons? What motivated you to participate?

A:   My first race was in 2007 and kept racing until around 2017 when I joined the Navy. Up until this past year of racing I had only done one race (Superfrog 70.3 in 2019) since 2017. So it’s been great to get back into the sport!

Q:  Please provide some perspective on what the Kona experience meant to you.

A:   Kona was the culmination of years of hard work and a dream that I’ve had since I first watched the 2008 NBC broadcast of the Ironman. It all lived up to the hype and excitement you would think the race would bring and the conditions along the course were as challenging as advertised. On top of that, the energy of the crowd throughout the course along with going toe-to-toe with the best triathletes in the world made the whole experience something I’ll never forget. It was also incredibly special to see my wife, Grace, along the race course to cheer me on.

Q:  How long have you been coached by T3 Coaching?

A:   I started working with Kevin from 2015-2017, a brief stint in 2019 to prep for the Superfrog 70.3 and back again full time this year.

Q:  You recently moved, how did that affect your training?

A:   My wife and I moved from San Diego to Virginia Beach in December of 2021 for a pretty demanding job, which brought on it’s own set of challenges. The move itself didn’t allow me to get into a good training rhythm early on and the demanding job sometimes limited how much training I could get in every week. All in all, it added a new level of challenge between balancing work, training and spending time with my wife. Early on it frustrated me, but I did my best to simply get in whatever quality training I could that week and try to do better the week after.

Q:  Having qualified a couple of years ago for Kona, how did you take advantage of the additional time?

A:   It was a long wait! I qualified for Kona in September 2019 so with 3 years of waiting I would have wanted to really focus on getting quality training in, but it really wasn’t until I moved to Virginia Beach about a year ago was I able to get good quality training in due to my last job where I traveled a bunch and had a 6 month deployment sprinkled in. Overall,I did my best to stay as active as I could and really spent a good amount of time getting quality bike sessions in to continue making that my strength.

Q:  What is your favorite piece of triathlon equipment?

A:   My new bike - Trek Speed Concept SLR 6

Q:  Of the three disciplines, which do you feel has the most room for improvement and why?

A:   Running. This is the one that I’ve had the least experience with and is the one split that lags behind the others when I look at the results. I really want to spend the off season focusing on improving my form and efficiency in hopes that I can make that my strength next race season.

Q:  What are some of your career highlights as an athlete (not necessarily triathlon)?

A:   Besides Kona, my first big triathlon win back in 2012 at the Nation’s Triathlon in Washington DC was a memorable one. I’ve had a few other wins at smaller triathlons over the years and this past year I placed 2nd and 3rd overall at two half-ironmans

Q:  What is your long-term goal in the sport of mtn. biking/triathlon?

A:   Continue to progress and push my limits. I’d like to see how competitive I can be at the 70.3 distance next season and on top of that, continue enjoying the lifestyle triathlon brings.

Q:  What advice would you give to a 'newbie' in the sport?

A:   Learn as much as you can and be a sponge. There’s so many aspects of the sport that it can seem a bit overwhelming to get a handle on, but try not to stress about it while you continue learning all you can. The most important aspect is to enjoy the journey and the people you surround yourself with during training.

Q:  Do you have any secret training tips? (Not really secret if you share, huh?)

A:   I really had a shift in mindset this year when it came to nutrition. I spoke with a nutritionist this year and she had me focus on how many carbs per hour I was consuming rather than calories and that really changed the game for me. I really felt great during all my workouts and races when I was hitting the carb per hour goal I wanted.

Q:  Please list your favorite workout:

A:   Any type of climbing workouts on the bike! As someone who does the vast majority of my cycling inside, zwift workouts like Alpe Du Zwift are some of my favorites.

Q:  Any thoughts you want to share?

A:   Just a huge thanks to Kevin and the rest of T3 for the support during this journey that culminated in Kona. Really couldn’t have had the race I had without the mentorship and guidance along the way. It really highlighted how important it is to surround yourself with great people!

Current Athlete of the Month ::

Danielle Freebern

Previous Athlete of the Month's ::

November 2023:  Kerri Thomas
October 2023:  Matt Dowling
September 2023:  Nolan Hogan
August 2023:  Gil Silvestre
July 2023:  John Reid
June 2023:  Tyler Lingel
May 2023:  Julia Slyer
April 2023:  Kevin Crossman
March 2023:  Carl Regenauer
February 2023:  Amy Farrell
January 2023:  Tim Russell
December 2022:  Rachel Waller
November 2022:  Bobby Thorborg
October 2022:  Jeremey Frye
September 2022:  Jillian Richards
August 2022:  Rebecca Miller
July 2022:  Jason Hare
June 2022:  Julie Scherer
May 2022:  Martyna Brooks
April 2022:  Derek Demeter
January 2022:  Kaitlyn Hansen
October 2021:  Chris McNally
September 2021:  Jack Putnam
August 2021:  Sarah Adelson
July 2021:  Niki Kellogg
June 2021:  Jack Bordeau
May 2021:  Dean Haspela
April 2021:  Dina StClaire
March 2021:  Jamie Hoyt
January 2021:  Paige Montanye
December 2020:  Lara Vivolo
November 2020:  Erika Eckrote
October 2020:  Heidi Underwood
September 2020:  Tom Williams
July 2020:  Christian Weber
June 2020:  Mara Fronhofer
May 2020:  T3 Medical Professionals
April 2020:  Steve Vnuk
March 2020:  Luis A Castro
February 2020:  John MacDonald
December 2019:  Steciuk Family
November 2019:  Nathan Rieger
October 2019:  Jess Corwin
September 2019:  Amanda Williams
August 2019:  Chris Erwin
July 2019:  Deborah Curtis
June 2019:  Rachel Waller
May 2019:  Ariel Dickson
April 2019:  Jonathan Demers
February 2019:  Laurie Scheuing
January 2019:  Alexandra Besso
December 2018:  Kim Kilby
November 2018:  Jessica Cronin
October 2018:  Kerri Thomas
August 2018:  John Evansky
July 2018:  Lonnie Halusic
June 2018:  Chris McNally
May 2018:  Dan Finnin
April 2018:  Terry Spooner
March 2018:  Ann Crossman
October 2017:  Isabelle Dickens
September 2017:  Ivy Kasallis
August 2017:  Michael Robinson
July 2017:  Chuck Lester
June 2017:  Colleen Dolan-VanZandt
May 2017:  Nick Marcantonio
April 2017:  Ryan Keller
March 2017:  Bobby Thorborg
September 2016:  Vinny Cooper
August 2016:  Jane Mastaitis
July 2016:  Jamie Hoyt
June 2016:  Jeff Halusic
May 2016:  Sibyl Jacobson
July 2014:  Christine McKnight
June 2014:  Sereena Coombes
August 2012:  Kim Didrich
July 2012:  Michael Jordan & Barbara Jordan
June 2012:  Ray Liuzzo
October 2011:  Joe Hall
September 2011:  Carl Regenauer
August 2011:  Timothy Healey
July 2011:  Jason Gardner
June 2011:  David Cann
May 2011:  Fran Vincent
August 2010:  Jim Fox
July 2010:  Mike Jaworski
June 2010:  Carla Burhoe
May 2010:  Christine McKnight
April 2010:  Dean Haspela
September 2009:  Rebecca Pedersen
August 2009:  Michael Winston
July 2009:  Paul Fronhofer
June 2009:  Heidi Underwood
May 2009:  Johan Bosman
April 2009:  Mike Sorrentino
August 2008:  Patrick O'Keeffe
July 2008:  Jason Chlopecki
June 2008:  Mara Fronhofer
May 2008:  Pat Grasso
April 2008:  Tami Olheiser
March 2008:  Michael Robinson
February 2008:  Bob Stocks